Saturday, 29 October 2011

Ouseburn Open Studios Nov 2011

  The Biscuit Tin presents...
To all you North East art, design, craft and culture fans the Ouseburn Open Studios 2011 is imminent..Sat26-Sun 27th November, 10-5. There's a bus that shuttles between all the Ouseburn venues taking part and my jewellery line Covet Bespoke Accessories will be waiting eagerly for your visit to Studio 36 at The Biscuit Tin Studios..!!

 The warehouse-chic side view of The Biscuit Tin Studios - a cunning veil masking the creative gems within 

I shall also be displaying some lovely framed prints from the Deer Series in the Gallery Area. And if you're lucky I may also do one or two brand new work for the event!

Looking forward to meeting some new people and catching up with familiar faces!

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Littl Grrey Cellz..

Bubble & Squeak

We went to visit my friend on Saturday; she had recently aquired a couple of kittens from a local shelter.  Been dying to see them, although at this time they aren't so much fluffy kitten balls as they are curious toddlers, running around exploring and getting into mischief!

Trying to catch a decent picture of them without a sport mode on iphone proved to be rather trickier than I had anticipated.  However after several tries, (and several hours of playing later) they were comfortable enough in our human company to actually stay still.  The unexpected bonus was actually holding their eye-contact..

Squeak: The one with the tash.

Bubble: The one with the beard.

I think I have it the right way around! Squeak is braver than bubble who is more nervous of humans plodding around him.  They're both getting used to having visitors but they were playing with us in the front room a couple of hours later.  Crazy cats.


Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Deer Series Mini Print Trio

From My Personal Collection

I found a really cute old wooden frame with a dark cork mount insert in a second hand shop a while back which I instantly fell in love with(apologies for lack of detail in this shot but trust me it's very endearing).  I made some small print editions from my Deer Series to fit in the three windows and fell in love with it even more.  I had planned to sell it on but after I moved flat I found a perfect wee spot for it above our cute little stripped-wood door store cupboard on our landing and it fit so nicely I couldn't bring myself to let it go!
I get to look at it (a little above head height) as I walk out of my bedroom door in the morning and it makes me smile.