The Biscuit Tin presents...
To all you North East art, design, craft and culture fans the Ouseburn Open Studios 2011 is imminent..Sat26-Sun 27th November, 10-5. There's a bus that shuttles between all the Ouseburn venues taking part and my jewellery line Covet Bespoke Accessories will be waiting eagerly for your visit to Studio 36 at The Biscuit Tin Studios..!!
The Biscuit Tin Studios is part of The Biscuit Factory.
The warehouse-chic side view of The Biscuit Tin Studios - a cunning veil masking the creative gems within
shall also be displaying some lovely framed prints from the Deer Series
in the Gallery Area. And if you're lucky I may also do one or two brand new work for the event!
Looking forward to meeting some new people and catching up with familiar faces!