Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Antique India Necklace

Antique India Necklace

 Dancing figure in prayer charm

This is a lovely necklace that I made.  The cut out metalwork is encrusted with beads and jewels like something from a coral reef. It is attached with fine chain to a vintage black and gold central button.  From the button, there is a dancing figure in prayer charm which adds to the er, charm of this one off necklace.

(See more at Etsy Shop and CovetAccessories Blog)


Monday, 12 September 2011

Vintage Jewel Floral Fascinator

Sleep has come once more..

After a few somewhat restless nights, sleep has come to me once more.
I have fully moved into Studio 36 (but have yet to make it lovely enough to reveal) AND I have completed the wedding event commission ahead of schedule, hurrah!

Vintage Jewel Floral Fascinator

The lucky lady will have worn this jewelled delight this weekend gone..

I rub my hands in anticipation of some beautiful hair shots!


Studio 36


Oopsie, it's been an exciting week.  I've been trying to deal with the excitement of moving into a new studio space while finishing an important wedding commission piece for Covet Accessories.  My nervous excitement has been encroaching into my normally sound and peaceful sleep.  If I manage the initial step of dropping off,  I undoubtedly wake up at 4am and my brain switches on like a light: the chatter begins.  Unsolved questions, logistical dilemmas.. they all come bouncing happily into my mind and have a party.  My eyes say - go away! I need sleep!  Frontal lobe says, no no! we have problems to solve, hurray!

 Studio 36, before.

I don't want to get out from under my cosy fluffy cloud duvet and get my sketchbook in order to doodle myself to sleep.  Nor do I want to gear up to a game of Patience on my phone; once a calm, while-away the time friend has become a competitive speed game once I discovered that I was being timed, scored and ranked.  No thanks.  
What is a girl to do?  My sanity saviour has been a new addition to my online bag of tricks..

Yes.  A virtual pin board space for all those inspirational images we like to surround ourselves with.  Things you like, things you want, things that make you smile, things that - that..well please, and ease the soul.

So thank you Pinterest for this platform of delights.  You can see what I've been doing between 0400-0600 hrs this week by following my Pinterest link.  

Here is a photograph from my board titled "In a Land Far Far Away.." to give you a taste:
Fall, somewhere.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Female Portraiture

Female Portraits

 Some pencil sketches I've been drawing.  I like the simplicity of black and white. But will likely bring them into Illustrator and Photoshop to work into colour illustrations.
