Monday, 12 September 2011

Studio 36


Oopsie, it's been an exciting week.  I've been trying to deal with the excitement of moving into a new studio space while finishing an important wedding commission piece for Covet Accessories.  My nervous excitement has been encroaching into my normally sound and peaceful sleep.  If I manage the initial step of dropping off,  I undoubtedly wake up at 4am and my brain switches on like a light: the chatter begins.  Unsolved questions, logistical dilemmas.. they all come bouncing happily into my mind and have a party.  My eyes say - go away! I need sleep!  Frontal lobe says, no no! we have problems to solve, hurray!

 Studio 36, before.

I don't want to get out from under my cosy fluffy cloud duvet and get my sketchbook in order to doodle myself to sleep.  Nor do I want to gear up to a game of Patience on my phone; once a calm, while-away the time friend has become a competitive speed game once I discovered that I was being timed, scored and ranked.  No thanks.  
What is a girl to do?  My sanity saviour has been a new addition to my online bag of tricks..

Yes.  A virtual pin board space for all those inspirational images we like to surround ourselves with.  Things you like, things you want, things that make you smile, things that - that..well please, and ease the soul.

So thank you Pinterest for this platform of delights.  You can see what I've been doing between 0400-0600 hrs this week by following my Pinterest link.  

Here is a photograph from my board titled "In a Land Far Far Away.." to give you a taste:
Fall, somewhere.

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